Docomomo Singapore.
Started in Einhoven, Netherlands in 1988, Docomomo International is a non-profit organisation dedicated to the documentation and conservation of buildings, sites and neighbourhoods of the modern movement. This Singapore Chapter is now formalised.
The Singapore chapter of Docomomo (Documentation and Conservation of Buildings, Sites and Neighbourhoods of Modern Movement) was formally established in early 2021. It is a non-profit group that consists of members from diverse backgrounds. It was set up to:
research and educate ourselves about the modern built heritage of Singapore.
advocate for and work with partners to find creative, sustainable, and inclusive ways to conserve and retrofit the modern built heritage of Singapore.
The origins of the Docomomo Singapore can be traced to the formation of a working group in early 2018 after the Pearl Banks Apartments was sold in a collective sale and threatened with demolition. With the recognition that the Pearl Banks Apartments might be the first of many modernist icons built in the 1970s and 1980s that would be sold in collective sales and demolished through a very narrow understanding of redevelopment, the working group was formed to fulfil the urgent need to advocate for environmentally more sustainable and socio-culturally more appropriate alternatives of redevelopment and value creation.
Since 2018, Docomomo Singapore has organised a major international conference in November 2019, published op-eds and articles on different aspects of Singapore’s built heritage in newspapers and magazines, researched and created an inventory of modern buildings of Singapore. We are also building up this website to share our knowledge on the modern built heritage of Singapore.
If you share our values and would like to contribute to our mission, join us as members.
From left to right: Karen TAN, TAN Kar Lin, HO Weng Hin, CHANG Jiat Hwee, and Jonathan POH.
Our Mission.
Act as watchdog when important modern movement buildings anywhere are under threat.
Exchange ideas relating to conservation technology, history and education.
Foster interest in the ideas and heritage of the modern movement.
Elicit responsibility towards this recent architectural inheritance.
Executive Committee.
Chair — HO Weng Hin
Secretary — Jonathan POH
Treasurer — Karen TAN
Executive Committee Member — TAN Kar Lin
Executive Committee Member — CHANG Jiat Hwee
Founding Members.
Randy CHAN, Calvin CHUA, FONG Hoo Cheong, HO Puay Peng, IMRAN Bin Tajudeen, LAI Chee Kien, Gaius LEONG, Leo LIN Zhenyu, LOW Shi Ping, NG Wenjun, Darren SOH, Vincent TAN, TIAH Nan Chyuan, Johannes WIDODO, WONG Chung Wan, Jonathan YEE, Justin ZHUANG, Ronald LIM, Jerome LIM, LOH Kah Seng, Jason NG, Orapan HONGCHINTAKUL (Tuk).
Docomomo International.
Docomomo International (sometimes written as DoCoMoMo or simply Docomomo) is a non-profit organisation whose full title is International Committee for Documentation and Conservation of Buildings, Sites and Neighbourhoods of the Modern Movement.
Docomomo International is a non-profit organisation dedicated to documentation and conservation of buildings, sites and neighbourhoods of the Modern Movement. Initiated in 1988 by Hubert-Jan Henket, architect and professor, and Wessel de Jonge, architect and research fellow, at the School of Architecture at the Technical University in Eindhoven, the Netherlands.
In 2002, the Docomomo International secretariat relocated to Paris and was hosted by the Cité de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine in the Palais de Chaillot. The chair and secretary general were Maristella Casciato, architect and architectural historian and Émilie d’Orgeix, architectural historian, respectively, with Anne-Laure Guillet being director. In January 2010, the Docomomo International secretariat relocated to Barcelona, hosted by the Fundacion Mies van der Rohe. Currently Docomomo International is hosted in Lisbon, at Instituto Superior Tecnico – Lisbon University. The chair is Ana Tostões, architect (ESBAL, 1982), architecture historian (UNL, 1994), member of Docomomo Iberico, and Full Professor at the Civil Engineering and Architecture Department of the Instituto Superior Técnico – Lisbon University.